Tuesday, December 28, 2010

short cut to chong bong one http://tinyurl.com/245dzmn from Mastergriffin's digital dojang a south mineaolis karate cente for kids

clik here to see the txt for chong bong 1.

Chong Bong 4 TAE-KWON-DO FORM from Mastergriffin.com's digital dojang a south minneapolis karate center



1. Turn 90* to left and move left foot out and forward to assume left front stance, dropping right knee down almost to floor as you grab out with left hand and reverse through punch with right. Rise immediately back up to short left front stance as you palm strike to high with left hand (pulling right open hand back to solar plexis area).

2. Right front kick, step right foot down; left double side kick, low then high, step left foot down with 180* turn to right to assume right back stance; right low block to open left hand. Bring left hand palm up to Solar Plexis

3. Step forward with left foot into left front stance; left high lunge punch at same time.

4. Step right foot forward to assume right front stance, dropping left knee almost to floor as you grab out with right hand and reverse through punch with left. Rise immediately back up to right front stance as you palm strike to high with right hand (pulling left open hand back to solar plexis area).

5. Left front kick, step left foot down; right double side kick, low then high, step right foot down with 180* turn to left to assume left back stance; left low block to open right hand. Bring right hand palm up to Solar Plexis

6. Step forward with right foot into right front stance; right lunge punch at same time.

7. Move left foot straight forward past right and shift upper body 90* to right to assume right back stance. Open both hands and move right hand in SLOW circle block, moving open left hand to chest. Hand movements are done S-L-O-W-L-Y exhaling at same time.

8. Slide forward with both feet (right then left) into right cat stance. Right ridgehand strike to left elbow and forearm.

9. Left side kick to high and bring foot down to assume left front stance;(grab with left hand in air) right hand reverse punch.

10. Pivot into left back stance and move both hands to left front stance; right hand reverse punch.

11. Jump and fall forward with right foot then left to assume right cant stance while FREE punching with right hand and LOUD KIHAP! Pull right hand immediately back into guarding position.

12. Pivot 90* to left and step left foot out and forward into left front stance. Right elbow strike (sideways) to open left hand.

13. Right front kick to low/middle and right round kick to high; step right foot down and turn upper body 180* to left to assume left back stance. Low block strike with left fist to open right hand (wrist area), then low palm heel block with open right hand to left open hand (wrist area) left hand moving up to assume left high rising block.

14. Step right foot forward to assume right front stance with right palm heel strike (pull open left hand back to solar plexis.
15. Left elbow strike (sideways) to open right hand.
16. Left front kick to low/middle and left round kick to high; step left foot down and turn upper body 180* to right to assume right back stance. Low block strike with right fist to open left hand (wrist area), then low palm heel block with open left hand to right open hand (wrist area) right hand moving up to assume right high rising block.
17. Step left foot forward to assume left front stance with left palm heel strike (pull open right hand back to solar plexis.
18. Move right foot straight forward past left and shift upper body 90* to left to assume left back stance. Open both hands and move left hand in SLOW circle block, moving open right hand to chest. Hand movements are done S-L-O-W-L-Y exhaling at same time.
19. Slide forward with both feet (left then right) to assume right front stance; left hand reverse punch.
20. Right side kick to high, and bring foot down to assume right front stance;(grab with right hand in the air) left hand reverse punch.
21. Pivot 90* to left to assume right back stance; right palm block to (open hand). Pull left hand back to belt.
22. Step right foot back behind left to assume left back stance; left palm block up (open hand). Pull right hand back to belt.
23. Step left foot back behind right to assume right back stance and shift hands S-L-O-W-L-Y into right guarding position with SLOW exhale at same time.

24. Fake to left side, stepping with right foot across to left side (left foot follows; 180* turn to right, now fake to right side, stepping with right foot across to right side (left foot follows).
25. Step forward with left foot and move forward with jump flying side kick with right leg. Step right foot down with heel facing target.
26. Spinning back kick with left leg turning to left 180*. Step left foot down into left front stance with right reverse punch with LOUD KIHAP!

BAROW – Bring both fists down alongside body and put all weight on left foot; pivot on left foot 180* to left, moving right foot up alongside lift (shoulder width). Bring hands up to cross at face level (thumb-in) then both arms down in front (palm-in) to return to ready stance.


Griffin Martial Arts - 2054 MARSHALL AVENUE ST. PAUL, MN 55104

"by mastergriffin.com of griffin martial arts a south minneapolis karate center"


CHA-RYAT, KYUNG-NET, CHUN-BEE – hands across the chest with right over left.

1. Turn 90* to left, lean upper torso back and right front-kick to low; immediately turn 180* to right and slide/step into right front-stance, left thru –punch.
2. Lean upper torso back and left front-kick to low; immediately turn 180* to left and slide/step into left front stance, right thru-punch.
3. Bring both hands down to sides of body and open hands; pivot body 90* to right; S-L-O-W-L-Y slide right foot up alongside left while bringing both hand up to cross in front of chest (left hand is on top of right, backs of hands facing each other, with SLOW exhalation at same time).
4. Lean back and left front-kick to low and immediately lean forward and swing heel-kick to back (moving heel upwards) with right foot. (Head is turned looking over right shoulder.
5. Moving forward, step right foot forward into right front stance, right hand grabs and immediately step left foot forward into left front-stance, right hand grabs and immediately step left foot forward into left front-stance, left lunge-punch.
6. Quickly pivot on right foot into left back-stance, S-L-O-W-L-Y bringing both hands into guarding position, with SLOW exhalation at same time.
7. Double FREE-punch, right hand then left, pulling left hand back to chest, hopping forward with right foot into right cat stance. (Loud KIHAP on second punch).
8. Turn 90* to left and move left foot and forward into left front-stance. Knife-hand strike into rising block with left hand and inside knife-hand strike (to neck) with right hand.
9. Right front kick to high, hopping right foot forward-and bring left foot to cross behind right; right back-fist sideways to right side (left fist by right elbow).
10. Turn upper body 180* to left, step left foot forward and out to left into left front-stance; left open rising-block and right spearfinger (palm-up) to groin.
11. Inside crescent kick with right foot to open left hand, turning 180* to left, stepping right foot down into ki-mae-sae stance. At same time, right elbow-strike to open left hand.
12. Step left foot back behind and cross right foot (left foot on toes), right backfist down to right side.
13. Step left foot out and back to assume right front stance; knife-hand strike into rising block with right hand and inside knife-hand strike (to neck) with left hand.
14. Left front-kick to high, hopping left foot forward and bring right foot to cross behind left; left back-fist sideways to left side (right fist by left elbow).
15. Turn upper body 180* to right, step right foot forward and out to right into right front-stance; right open rising-block and left spearfinger (palm-up) to groin.
16. Inside crescent-kick with left foot to open right hand, turning 180* to right, stepping left foot down into ki-mae-sae stance. At same time, left elbow-strike to open right hand.
17. Step right foot back behind and cross left foot (right foot on toes), left backfist down to left side.

18. Step left foot back (facing other side) and out to left side to assume right back-stance right out block, right low-block (striking left wrist).
19. Step left foot up beside right and immediately right front-kick to front; step right foot back down beside left and left side-kick to left side. Lean body to right further turn upper body 90* to right and crouch down with double X-block to low (fists).
20. Place both hands on floor; leaning body lower to right side, kneel on right knee and left round-kick to front; then kneel onto left knee, lean body lower to left side and pivoting body 90* to right, right back-kick up to high section. Bring right leg back down and bring body back up to assume deep right front-stance.
21. Double split-block/strike with both hands, right hand to front (palm-up), right hand to back (palm down).
22. Pivot 180* to left to assume deep left front stance; crossing hands at middle section again double split-block with both hands, left hand to front (palm-up), right hand to back (palm-down).
23. Change position of feet by falling weight forward as you switch into right front-stance with a right hand uppercut under left open hand at elbow.

24. Step left foot up alongside right, right front-kick, stepping right foot down back behind left; left side-kick to same target, stepping down into left guarding stance, right reverse-snap-punch.
25. Step right foot up alongside left, left front-kick, stepping left foot down back behind right; right side-kick to same target, stepping down into right guarding stance, left reverse-snap punch.
26. Spring forward in left cat-stance with left free-punch with LOUD KIHAP!
27. Now S-L-O-W-L-Y reverse snap-punch with left hand and SLOWLY return hands to right guarding position.

BAROW (Back to ready stance) – Bring both fists down alongside body and put all
CHA-RYAT (Attention) weight on right foot; pivot 180* to left, bringing
KYUNG-NET (Bow) left foot back alongside right (shoulder width).
Bring hands up to cross at face level (thumb-in),
then both arms down in front (palm-in) to return
to ready stance with right over left.

Griffin Martial Arts - 3401 BOARDMAN STREET MPLS, MN 55417

chong bong 2 by mastergriffin.com of griffin martial arts a south minneapolis karate center


CHA-RYAT (attention), KYUNG-NET (bow), CHUN-BEE (ready stance)

Move right foot to right, turn upper body 90* to left to back stance; circle block and out block with left arm.
Right front kick into front stance; (grab with left hand in air) high right punch.
Reverse low block (crossing) with left hand.
Left side thrust kick, step down into right guarding stance. Turn upper body 180* to right; fast circle block and out block with right hand.
Left front kick into front stance; (grab with right hand in air) left punch.
Reverse low block (crossing) with right hand.
Right side thrust kick, step down into left guarding stance; turn your upper body 180* to the left.

Quickly bring right foot up behind your left foot: turn your upper body 90* TO LEFT QUICKLY STEPPING BACK WITH LEFT FOOT INTO RIGHT FOOT FORWARD GUARDING STANCE. Bring hands into position and exhale S-L-O-W-L-Y.
Double steps and punches into front stance; first left side, then right. LOUD KIHAP on second step and high punch.
Left round kick into slightly angled front stance at 45*; left snap back fist.
Turn 180* to right, bring right knee up into right guarding block. Step down into right front stance; (grab with right hand in air) left reverse punch.
Spin hand knife strike with left arm to left (outside); now in ki-mae-sae stance.
Push in left sidekick, turn upper body 180* to right and step down into right foot forward guarding stance. Net block S-L-O-W-L-Y from right to left side, exhale slowly.
Left lunge punch into left front stance.

Right round kick into slightly angled front stance at 45*; right snap back fist.
Turn 180* to left, bring left knee up into guarding block, Step down into left front stance; (grab with left hand in air) right reverse punch.
Spin hand knife strike with right arm to right (outside); now in ki-mae-sae stance.
Push in right side kick, turn upper body 180* to left and step down into left foot forward guarding stance. Net block S-L-O-W-L-Y from right to left side, exhale slowly.

Turning to left 180*, bring foot all the way back into right foot forward back stance. Fast circle block; then rising block with right hand; immediately pivot into front stance and reverse punch with left hand, with LOUD KIHAP!

BAROW (back to ready stance), CHA-RYAT (attention), KYUNG-NET (bow)
Griffin Martial Arts -3401 BOARDMAN STREET MPLS, MN 55417