Wednesday, July 4, 2012

WE CARE PERFORMANCE ACADEMY OAK PARK Neighborhood COMMUNITY SUMMER PROGRAM 2012 1201 SHERIDAN AVE NORTH FARWELL PARK STAFF MEETING A. MERGED WITH OAK PARK-FARWELL PARK MERGER B. SEEMLESS COLLABORATION WITH PERFORMIN ARTIST AND SITES C. 90 KIDS D. RULES, SKILLS TO HANDLE BEHAVIOR, DEMAND RESPECT DI. SKILL BUILDING--> CHILD ASSESMENT—THEN THE PROBLEM (REVERSE TO STAFF) GARBAGE BAG CLEAR HEAD THINKING DAILY CLEAR AND FOCUSED COMPassion for working with children E. don’t scream to children about behavior--> no no and the consequences about behaivor F. calm the child down conversation assessment w/o personal issues (boundaries) G. African-American children need “their space” define the problem and then plan to work out the solution--> change the negative behavior stay on task, communication is the number 1 task, = paraphrase-> repeat what happen/said H. number 2 task= confidentiality and supervisory legalities I. number 3 task = a sense of belonging, to last longer II. keep promises only you can make, don't make promises you cant keep--> keep trust and trustworthiness III. keep connected and avoid depression, avoid isolation, {kids talk and make plans} [report kids saying very bad , negative , suicide ]||||watch for signs of abuse sexual, mental and physical--> head scratches, looking down, spaced out, IV. not being able to read--> V. misdiagnosed → VI. eliminate “special ed” label and challenges VII. be successful in life and show the love and care VIII. two heads are better than one IX. ethics in the job and around others always keep the professional hat up. X. Always being watched and observed--> keep alert and stay professional XI. seek and find help from authority XII. shared leadership is critical XIII. shared leadership is working together to solve issues and fit in and catch the fallen pearls from falling XIV. remember that the parents are the first educators--> get to know the parents to help a better decisions with the child XV. talk the language of education with the parents XVI. meet the parent/child where they are at only XVII. understand the special needs and concerns of the family XVIII. discuss with leaders some of the major concerns XIX. can't be slack with children and focus on priorities XX. give off good role model signals for assessment and future development XXI. good behavior, good dress code and professional.