Saturday, February 2, 2008

what are some Great Achievements in the martial arts?

Great Achievement
Great achievement in life only comes when you become outstanding at what you do.
Anything less than a commitment to excellence is an acceptance of mediocrity. Unless you make the conscious commitment to become excellent at what you do, what you are doing is unconsciously accepting that you are only going become mediocre.
Every excellent performance builds your self-esteem and reinforces your self-confidence. It improves your performance in every area. If you only do things in an average way you don't get anything. You don't get the charge. Always strive for perfection.
Black Belt Excellence is a commitment to be the best!
Whether it's a corporate black belt or academic black belt, it's the commitment to excellence that separates the winners from the losers in life.
The attitude of Black Belt Excellence is the attitude of achievement!

How to Become a Peak Performer
Peak performers in every field are made, not born. They are a product of nurture, not nature. Men and women who accomplish great things in their lives are not necessarily better or more gifted than others. They are usually just people who have pushed their potential farther than ordinary.
That is the essence of our school and our belt system. We don't expect you to know the first thing about martial arts or how to earn a black belt. We will teach you and nurture you. Your job is to try and try as hard as you can to reach your potential. We will give you 100% and it's only fair you do the same in your training.

The Foundation of Excellence
Its been said that many people are unhappy because they wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and the person staring back them is not particularly good at anything. We all need to be excellent at something. True self esteem is built on the foundation of excellence.
And until you make the decision to become excellent at what you do, you'll always perform at low levels and never achieve your full potential.
Anything less than a commitment to excellence is an acceptance of mediocrity. Until you make a conscious commitment to become excellent, you are subconsciously accepting that you are only going to be mediocre at what you do.
Our society only pays excellent rewards for excellent performance. There are no statues in the city park for average people. There are no rewards for being the best TV watcher.
Of course, in order to become excellent at anything you will have to study. Read about your subject every day. Take courses; listen to audiocassettes while driving in your car.
But make the decision today, right now, to be the best!

Steps To Achieving Excellence
1. Make the decision to become excellent. Today, right now. Set it as your top priority.
2. Remember you will only achieve excellence doing something you enjoy. Something you care about, something that interests you and holds your attention. A key responsibility in adult life is to find the right field for your unique gifts. Here are some questions:
a. How would you describe you ideal job?
b. Imagine a billionaire that could give you any job in the world. What would it be
c. What work would you choose to do if you won a Million in the lottery.
d. How would you spend your time if you only had 6 months to live.
e. What job would you do if your were absolutely guaranteed of success?
Once you've chosen your field, spend one hour a day in study to become better at it. Most people don't read, most people don't learn or pursue knowledge. When you begin to read or learn, you begin to pull ahead of the pack.
Every excellent performance builds your self-esteem. It reinforces your self confidence. And improves your performance in every area. If you only do things in an average way you don't get anything. You don't get the charge. Always strive for perfection.

What is Black Belt Excellence?
True success in life only begins when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do. Without that commitment you'll always perform at low levels and never achieve your full potential.
There are no rewards in this society for mediocre or average performance.
We receive excellent rewards for excellent performance, average rewards for average performance and below average rewards for below average performance.
Black Belt Excellence is a commitment to be the best!
Whether it's a corporate black belt or academic black belt, it's the commitment to excellence that separates the winners from the losers in life.
The attitude of Black Belt Excellence is the attitude of winners!

()()()()()()()The Person in the Mirror
Its been said that many people are unhappy because they wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and the person staring back them is not particularly good at anything. We all need to be excellent at something. True self esteem is built on the foundation of excellence.
And until you make the decision to become excellent at what you do, you'll always perform at low levels and never achieve your full potential.
Anything less than a commitment to excellence is an acceptance of mediocrity. Until you make a conscious commitment to become excellent, you are subconsciously accepting that you are only going to be mediocre at what you do.
Our society only pays excellent rewards for excellent performance. There are no statues in the city park for average people. There are no rewards for being the best TV watcher.
Of course, in order to become excellent at anything you will have to study. Read about your subject every day. Take courses; listen to audiocassettes while driving in your car.
But make the decision today, right now, to be the best!

()()()()()()Three Keys To Excellence
1. Know what your doing. Learn, study, research, ask questions. Know all there is to know about your chosen field.
2. Believe in what you are doing.
3. Love what your doing. Listen to yourself. Don't make excuses. You must fulfill you unique potential as a human being.

()()()()()()Two Best Questions For Achieving Excellence
Whether it's at the end of a sparring match or the end of each day, step back and ask yourself:
1. What did I do right? Review your performance in all areas that day.
2. What would I do differently?
Do not review what you did wrong.
Next time your face the situation but take a moment to reviews the things you did right and what you would do differently next time.

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