Saturday, January 26, 2008

Thoughts on Sparring for Improvement--> From Master G

... Thoughts on Sparring for Improvement--> From Master G Thoughts on Sparring for Improvement--> From Master G
Find a pattern of success in your life and apply it to sparring example

if you like loud noises or fast music, then fight with more motion and applied fakes in your attacks.

if you like to think and pounder about various subjects, then create a video history of your sparring partners strengths and weaknesses, likes dislikes, can do's and won't do and attack where and when they can not block.

if your reaction time is real good, like shoot blocker in basketball, then knowing how to fight as a counter fighter will help you become more difficult to beat.

if you hate being told what to do, or i can do it with more power, then you are a direct fighter and stick to the power basics in a straight line with a little common sense.

more form master g in a bit
email me more questions at mastrgrif@hotmail.cm6

peace out
master g

Midnite Martial Arts Madness--12am demo class at Augsburg College

Midnite Martial Arts Madness--12am demo class at Augsburg College
Master Griffin was invited to a College to teach a class in Taekwondo for a special
event: Around the world in a night, with different themes from different countries.
different dance instruction from other parts of the world, comic, food and Martial Arts
I taught the 30 or so students some of the basics of martial arts and some cool moves with
the Nunchux. We also did padded sword sparring a really big hit !! pun intended and some effective self-defense moves. At the end we did a board break, with a rebreakable board and six peolple broke the real boards. I had a awesome time and look forward to the students bloging.
Gave away some free passes, T-shirt and two Karate Uniforms.

thanks david for having me at Augsbur college


Friday, January 25, 2008

parent tip #1 help with scheduling and attendance

parent tip #1 help with scheduling and attendance
To help with your childs scheduling of martial arts please use caution and concern
1. have they had a nap prior to class, do they ned a nap for small children , at gma we start at age 2. So keep in mind when they need to be awake so that they will have a great time in taekwondo class.

2. Attending the Dojang along with your son or daughter will greatly improve their retention and fun factor if you can particapate along with them. At gma we bribe the parents with our Parent Helpers Program, free classes with the purchase of uniform and test fees, you can train with your child. We find that this is a great way for the family to release stress and find something in common to work on together.
thanks for reading

master griffin

4101 chicago ave south

keep kickin' !!!!


Tip # 1 Be humble

Tip # 2 Be supportive

Tip # 3 Be focused

Tip # 4 Have a detailed plan of success

Tip # 5 have a success coach or mentor (supportive spouse)

Tip # 1 Be humble
create a positve person within and not a outward annoying person, that gloats, is very picky of others
use your quiet time and space to reflect on past victories and successes.

Tip # 2 Be supportive

Be true to you and your outcome. Be the type that can create small victories along the path towards greatness.

Tip # 3 Be focused

like i teach my karate kids - kids karate in the public school
I will focus my eyes--> I have them touch near their eyes --> see what your goals are
i will focus my ears--> I have them touch near their ears--> hear what your goals are
i will focus my mind--> I have them touch the top of their head--> know what your goals are

i will focus my heart--> I have them touch near their heart--> Feel passion towards your goals
i will focus my body--> I have them push their arms striaght out--> become your goals

For most Guys we have to have funnel vison when we approach things in a sequence

for most Gals they have the ability to Multi-task and see different sides at the same time

either way push towards the next step, and over come obstacles.

Tip # 4 Have a detailed plan of success
What is a plan, is it a dream, yes with a time limit and speed limit
decide what things are top key areas to do first not the easiest which we all like to do
create a road map towards
do your research and if you need to delagate then do it for the small steps

Tip # 5 have a success coach or mentor (supportive spouse)
Why? Cause all the top performers do and they can keep you in check
when things are going bad and they will, they can keep your focus in the game and help you re-focus
and when things are going great they will, they can keep you humble and not let you get bigger than your greatness.

Thanks you for reading this blog
email me at with questions


holla back

How to create a workout plan that works.

How to create a workout plan that works.

Welcome to mastergriffins's black belt blog, I would like to take the time and mention that i think that this is a great idea for students, parents, kickboxers and instructors to stay in touch and exchange great info.

One way to develope a plan is to start with your goals, and then work backwards to the front.
Meaning start with the final position goal and work back to today.

Lets start with losing weight and increasing energy, first pick a reason to do both and create a lifestyle to encourage this new habit. Since most people eat out with people and eat alone with their "diet" food that dosent taste great, when they go off their diet, no one really knows when. Keep the portions smaller and more full of energy. You are What you eat, so eat foods that give you energy and maintain a Physical exersize routine of four times a week to get some great results.

Pick stuff that is a challenge for you, but you can push yourself like Kardioarts Kickboxing at also try walking and stretching more throught the day.


master griffin
4101 chicago ave south

Monday, January 21, 2008

(mi) yuki Ninth Grader asks Q: What would be your strategy to beating bruce lee if he was alive?

Ninth Grader asks Q: What would be your strategy to beating bruce lee if he was alive?
one i would never fight bruce lee
Grand Master Joe Lewis, a Private Student of Bruce lee never Fought him, so neither would i,
Grand Master Joe Lewis promoted me to 7th degree black belt

however if i had to ( to answer your question with out ducking it)
i would study his weakness and strengths and make him work against me with a lot of stuggles
i would have to blank out his history ( my boyhood idol) and my ( Grand Master Joe Lewis tournament Champion's coach) It would be very tough because bruce was a great fighter, but hes has never seen me fight.
once the rules were established and what we could use it would be a fun and engaging sparring match.
I did have to sparr for my 7th degree black belt exam with Grand Master Joe Lewis and i survived!

Q2: What is my favorit martial arts movie
A: Enter the Dragon starring bruce lee i've seen it over 30 times.

thanks master g

email me questions at

612-408-3626 myspace handwrapping video click here with master griffin

Spears Q: How long does it take to get a Black Belt today?

Spears Q: How long does it take to get a Black Belt today?
Awesome Question Spears, Master Griffin Responds
A: on average with 2-4 classes per week about 21/2 to 3 years
when students train more the time can be about two years
when students train one time a week it will take longer maybe 4-5 years

see ya all in class

don't forget we have open sparring sparwars on saturday at 11am

thanks master g

email me questions at

612-408-3626 myspace handwrapping video click here with master griffin

9th Grader in tae kwon do Q: What's the difference between Kickboxing and Kung-fu?

9th Grader in tae kwon do Q: What's the difference between Kickboxing and Kung-fu?
master g responds A: The arts of kung-fu are vary old, vast and complex kung-fu has a form of kickboxing called San-shou so in this way it is one in the same.

Most kung-fu systems are different in these ways: competition--> some do not have competiton to test skills,
some are way to dangerous because of the pressure points and arm/leg locks and breaks. Other differences are the amount of training you do before a competion/test in Thailand they start fighting right away and entering the ring at a young age. Some Gung-Fu / Kung-Fuis very complex and uses weapons and multiple attackers in the training. Others use breathing and meditation in their training.
While others use kickboxing as a small part of their training.
Chinese kickboxing competition ( )

Sunday, January 20, 2008

KMANBOB Q: What is the difference between Tae Kwon Do and Karate? are they the same?

KMANBOB Q: What is the difference between Tae Kwon Do and Karate? are they the same?
wow two great complex questions with very simple answers
A: master griffin's response. Since i received my Black Belt in Tae KwonDo from the school called the Karate Center, i feel i can answer this right, the art of taekwondo has it roots in Shoto-kan karate since the Founder of Taekwondo Grand Master Byung Jik Ro( Master Griffin's Taekwondo instructor was his son, Master Hee Sang Ro ) studied from Gichin Funakoshi - Founder of Shotokan Karate while they are very different now they were very similar in the 1940-50's with the addition of advanced kicking.

Most martial artists would say that tkd is about 70% kicks and 30% hand strikes
with most karate systems being 50%/50% kicks/punches

at griffin martial arts we use about 60% kicks, 30% hand-pressure points and 10% weapons and defense against

myspace handwrapping video click here with master griffin

from Tigger Q: What kinds of gear do kickboxers wear?

from Tigger Q: What kinds of gear do kickboxers wear?

The basic gear of kickboxers depends on the type of kickboxing their doing

fitness; shoes, loose clothing, maybe handwraps, bag gloves

sparring with light or limited contact; head gear, mouthguard, shin pads, handwraps, sparring gloves,
foot pads, shin guards, groin protector yes for the ladies also,

sparring with contionus contact/ full contact
elbow pads, knee pads, higher quality mouth shock absorbing system, better chest guard, higher quality head gear, ankle guards.

Q: from Tigger Do Kickboxers test for belts? why or why not?

Q: from Tigger, Do Kickboxers test for belts? why or why not?
A: great question, and a rare one, no belts in most kickboxers, schools
most fitness kickbox programs don't really care about levels. Some programs have ranking systems
they might use sashes, tee shirts, arm bands of different colors, in old school programs usage of levels might be from the rookie to newbie to beginnger to intermediate to advanced
in boxing/kickboxing the levels were easy Amateur or Professional
and your levels were mandated by the org/sanctioning bodies.

at griffin martial arts we might use a unique belt ranking program
with fitness tests and kickin' katas for those in our upcoming elite kardioarts kickboxing
and a seperate belt ranking system for our upcoming xka--> xtreme Kardio Art
a point kickboxing system that uses sparring rounds and equipment certification.

each belt would have a stripe going down the middle for each specific program
elite or xka

Q: from sirchad, What martial arts are used in kickboxing?

Q: from sirchad, What martial arts are used in kickboxing?
A: great question and simple, well simple from different points of view.
if you are from ThaiLand your kickboxing uses centuries old fighting arts from villages around 1500's
if you are from america, then your arts are a blend of boxing, with their golves in the early days, plus a karate base or taekwondo base with kicks above the waist we originally called this Full Contact Karate,
if your homeland was france then kickboxing was called Savate (pronounced IPA: [savat]), also known as boxe française, French boxing, French Kickboxing or French Footfighting,

in the classic school (almost new school) American Kickboxing uses Bruce Lee's jeet Kune Do, boxing, tae-kwon-do, areobics, weight-lifting, track and running hills.

New school kickboxing blends leg kicks, Mixed Martial Arts, Brazilain ju-jitsu Submission Grappling

Submission grappling is a combination of all grappling styles, Freestyle wrestling, Brazilian Ju Jitsu, Sambo and Judo. With the growing popularity of mixed martial arts and grappling tournaments competitiors have begun to cross train. You never know what style you might face. The best idea is to be knowledgeable, or better yet, efficient in all of the grappling arts. With the elimination of formal rules competitiors are now able to test their skill in the purest form of grappling. Submission grappling is takedowns, arm locks, leg locks, chokes, balance, and body control. Whatever your background, Submission Grappling has the tools to give you a solid ground game. and all of the others of the past
but with a twist-- understanding the ranges better-- range one wrestling-Judo-San-shou-
range 2 boxing-trapping-Jeet kune-do Bruce Lee's creation , range three kicking skills-- taekwondo, karate, tang soo do for the long range

myspace handwrapping video click here with master griffin

sar. morning kickboxer Q: What age did master griffin start martial arts?

sar. morning kickboxer Q: What age did master griffin start martial arts?
A: I was about 12 years old and started training in judo at the Blasdell Ymca
then i trained in shotokan karate in Minneapolis community education
then i found a wonderful martial art training center the KARATE CENTER .
The Karate Center, a school of tae kwon do and sport martial arts, that was 1974
I was awarded my 1st degree black belt at age 17, in oct 1979.

myspace handwrapping video click here with master griffin

sat morn kickboxer Q: How do you protect from sore knees?

sat morn kickboxer Q: How do you protect from sore knees?

A: I think prevention helps with warm-ups, then flexibility drills prior any soreness,
that being said what if you have a injury, using ace bandages, you can use a brace or you can use tape.
old school can be sauves, dit jow liniement oils, hot tubs,
DonJoy Cross Strap Knee Brace This knee brace has a one piece design that is easy to apply and will help treat a variety of knee ailments. It has no stitching or stiff material edges to allow for ultimate comfort. This brace will help treat
Patellar Tendonitis
Osgood-Schlatters Syndrome
Chondromalacia Features
Increased comfort with low profile
Two sizes
Applies a comfortable but effective pressure to the patellar tendon to help relieve pain
Neoprene laminated with nylon loop
No stitching or stiff material edges to cause discomfort
To determine size, find the mid-kneecap point. Then go up the thigh 6-inches. At this point on the thigh, measure circumference. If measurement is within 1/2" of next size, choose the larger size.

sat. morn Q: What are the benefits of bare feet vs. shoes

sat. morn Q: What are the benefits of bare feet vs. shoes
A: I assume this from a kickboxer, for bare feet benefits are; easy pivoting, better feel of the floor/ring/mat, the ability to manuever quickly, old school toughening and conditioning
for shoes; you are able to add support to ankles-toes-arch-heel, if you have cuts you can protect while it heals, add power on some of the "toe" kicks allow banging on old school hanging bangs,
the choice is yours.
note if you understand the flooring your training on shoes help lesson injuries and soreness

thanks master g

email me questions at


myspace handwrapping video click here with master griffin