Tuesday, September 16, 2008



First beta class starts November 3rd 2008 with a black belt graduation April 2009
The Inner DEAL Exec-u-fit Black Belt training course is a six section course specifically designed to teach invaluable real world self-defense skills giving you confidence and a sense of security no matter where you go. In this course you will learn the civilian version of the self-defense tactics taught to special military and police organizations. In addition to learning fast, effective techniques to get you and your family out of harms way you will get in shape and have fun doing it.

Earn an Inner Deal Exec-u-fit Black Belt in Self-Defense in only 6 months

Am Graduating: Class Monday and Wednesday 8:30am-9:30am
Pm Graduating: Class Monday and Wednesday 8:45pm-9:45pm

Who Is This Program For:
Celebrities * Executives * Business Owners
Real Estate Agents * Doctors and Nurses * Attorneys
Community Leaders *College Students *High School Seniors Preparing For College
Traveling Salespersons * Security Personnel *Government Employees
Pilots and Flight Attendants *Anyone Wanting Some Security In Their Life

Coming soon
The griffin martial arts TV SHOW
Hosted by Master Griffin, 7th degree black belt
Featuring the
The Inner D.E.A.L. Exec-u-fit Black Belt Course

The I.D.E.B.B.T.C.. Curriculum is divided into six skill-based sections. Each section is designed to maximize your training with effective and efficient real world self-defense skills.
Fee $8,500 includes DVD’s, TV show interviews and lessons online
See Master Griffin about enrolling only 16 spots available

Pitbull sparring remix version Question to master griffin. http://qik.com/video/1185316

Pitbull sparring remix version Question to master griffin

Master G
pitbull asks how can i spar someone who spars like me?
Mar 8
check out this link here http://qik.com/video/1185316

master griffin to Reply

one way is to chose if you want to out think them or out punish them.

if you want to out think them then move on angles and use lots of
fakes before you attact.
if you want to out punish them. blitz them first and often

remix version

Add more awareness to the mix
1. of the judgesà what are they calling lots of single points, kicks, clash, don’t see, or not enough,
2. are the judges sensing the outcome before the point is called by pointing to the fighter before the center ref calls the score for poins
3. are the timer and score table not getting the correct score ( it helps to have a group to keep track of your scores to eliminate any confusion, especilaay after a injury, warning point, or something that causes a distraction
4. allowing a clear hit that is visible to all judges to see ( keep your back to most of the judges0 à they cant call a point if they can’t see it

On 3/8/08, keith griffin wrote:
> pitbull how can i spar someone who spars like me?

> Video Link:
> http://videoemail.vmdirect.com/view?uri=MjYzMTg1Ni0wMy8wNy8wODoyMjozNDozOA==

> Make your digital life simple. Get video today!

> www.vmdirect.com/keithgriffin


coming soon

we are looking into doing a pilot program with podcasts then do a live show.
we are looking for volunteers to help with the show
the gma show will be a 30 minute television show that will also have
a podcast
weekly articles in the Minnesota spokesman –recorder

topics, themes, tournament, training ideas are welcome
just email me at masterg@mastergriffin.com or see me after your next taekwondo or kardio class

we are looking for sponsors to help with the show’s broadcasting budget, if you would like to be a show sponsor or your company that you own, manage or work for please give me a call at 612-408-3626
Master griffin
articles, podcasts and actual live on air interviews will be very cool to do with our show sponsers.

Monday, September 15, 2008

How to create a workout plan that works.

How to create a workout plan that works.
How to create a workout plan that works.Welcome to mastergriffins's black belt blog, I would like to take the time and mention that i think that this is a great idea for students, parents, kickboxers and instructors to stay in touch and exchange great info.One way to develope a plan is to start with your goals, and then work backwards to the front.

Meaning start with the final position goal and work back to today.Lets start with losing weight and increasing energy, first pick a reason to do both and create a lifestyle to encourage this new habit. Since most people eat out with people and eat alone with their "diet" food that dosent taste great, when they go off their diet, no one really knows when. Keep the portions smaller and more full of energy. You are What you eat, so eat foods that give you energy and maintain a Physical exersize routine of four times a week to get some great results. Pick stuff that is a challenge for you, but you can push yourself like Kardioarts Kickboxing at www.mastergriffin.com also try walking and stretching more throught the day.
master griffin
612-408-36264101 chicago ave south

DIAMONDS - RULES OCT. 10-11, 2008

2008 NASKA/DIAMONDS - RULES (Summary)(for more complete Diamond rules information click on NASKA)

(please note new rule on splitting Black Belt form and weapons divisions, see form and weapons criteria rule sheet.)
NASKA – RULES, (Also see form and weapons judging criteria)
COMPETITOR: Each competitor must present him/herself to the referee suitably attired with proper uniform and equipment and physically prepared to compete. If he/she is not prepared to compete as deemed by the center referee, the competitor may be penalized for delay of time.
DELAY OF TIME PENALTY: Sparring: An automatic warning will be issued to the competitor. A penalty point will be issued for each minute the competitor is not properly ready to compete. Upon 3 penalty points the offending competitor will be disqualified. Form: .01 points will be deducted from the offending competitor’s final score. Each minute the competitor is not ready to compete, .01 points will be deducted for his/her final score. If a competitor is still not ready to compete after 3 minutes, he/she will be disqualified.
RANK RULE: A competitor must compete at the highest belt level they have earned in the martial arts. A competitor can never compete in a division of which he/she had not earned that rank. Once a competitor competes as a black belt legally, he/she must always compete as a back belt. A competitor can never compete in a lower belt division than the level of belt he/she has earned in the Martial Arts.
PROOF OF AGE RULE: All competitors must have a proof of age document. If there is a legitimate reason to question a competitor’s age, he/she must present a proof of age (birth certificate, driver’s license, or other acceptable documents) to prove his/her age.
LEGAL AGE RULE: All competitors have the option of competing in the same division all year long for rating purposes, by establishing a legal competition age for the year. The age a competitor is on June 30th of the current competition year is their legal competition age for that year. They can compete all year at that age so he/she can earn rating points in one age division all year. A competitor can always compete in his/her chronological age.
UNIFORM: All competitors must wear a complete (top and bottom) traditional or professional sport karate (Kung Fu, Tae Kwon Do, etc.) uniform in a good state of repair. The appropriate color belt or sash must be worn in competition. Sparring: All sparring uniforms must have sleeves that reach at least to the middle of the forearm. No T-shirts, sweats, tank tops or shoes are allowed in the sparring divisions. Form & Weapons: T-shirts, tank tops and sweatshirts are allowed in form if they are part of the competitor’s official school uniform. Uniforms in the form and weapons divisions are allowed more liberties because form is not one-on-one competition where the uniform could cause a decisive disadvantage or advantage to a competitor. Removal of the uniform top is allowed if the removal is considered relevant to the artistic expression or safety of the competitor. Shoes may be worn in form competition if they do not damage or mark the competition floor.
COMPETITOR RESPONSIBILITIES: It is the responsibility of the competitor to know the rules and be ready for competition when called to do so. He/she must be suitably attired, weighed-in and at the appropriate ring when competition begins. Three calls will be made for competition at ringside. If the competitor is not at his/her ring ready to compete when competition begins, he/she will not be able to compete (see delay of time rule). If a competitor leaves the ring after the competition begins and is not present when his/her name is called to compete, his/her name will be called three times at ringside. If he/she is still not present to compete, he/she will be disqualified (see delay of time rule).
REQUIRED AND RECOMMENDED SAFETY EQUIPMENT: NASKA approved headgear; hand and footpads, mouthpieces, groin cups (for male competitors only) and chest guards (for all competitors 17 year old and younger) are mandatory for all competitors in sparring divisions. The competitor’s equipment will be checked and if it is deemed unsafe, he/she will be asked to change the equipment before he/she can compete. Hand Pads: A soft padded surface must cover the fingers, wrist and any striking surface of the hand. Foot Pads: A soft padded surface must cover the instep, sides, toes, ankle and back of the heel of the foot. The bottom of the foot does not have to be padded. (NASKA has approved the use of “Ringstar sparring shoes in all sparring divisions, with the same stipulations placed on other approved sparring gear.) Head Gear: The front, sides and back of the head must be covered by a soft padded surface. In addition to the head hear, a face shield is required for all competitors 17 yrs. & under. Chest Guard: All 17 and younger competitors must wear an approved chest protector in sparring. The chest guard must sufficiently cover the abdomen and upper chest such that the sternum is completely protected. Rib guards that cover only the abdomen area are not approved chest guards. Insufficiently padded gloves, foot, chest and head hear will not be allowed. Equipment must be in a good state of repair and must be free of heavy taping, tears or any other repairs that may cause injury. The tournament’s official rules arbitrator ultimately determines the approval or denial of the equipment. A properly fitted mouthpiece is required. Shin pads and rib/chest guards are highly recommended for additional safety to all sparring competitors.
REFEREES: The referee is the most experienced official in the ring and is thoroughly versed on the rules and order of competition. He/she promotes the safety of the competitors, enforces the rules and ensures fair play. To this end, he/she starts and stops the match, awards points, makes penalty decisions, administrates the voting of the other judges, communicates clearly with the scorekeeper and timekeeper, and announces the winner of each match. Added Powers of the Referee: 1) Match starts and ends only with his/her command (not the command of the timekeeper); 2) Has final decision on any disputes on score; 3) Has the power to issue warnings and award penalty points without a majority decision: 4) Can overrule a majority call only to issue a warning or a penalty point: 5) Automatically has power to disqualify a competitor who receives (3) penalty points; 6) Has power to issue time-outs. A competitor can ask for a time-out, but it is the determination of the referee to issue one. The disqualification of a competitor, where disqualification is not automatic, is determined only by a majority vote of the judges.
OFFICIALS: Each ring should have a REFEREE, two to four JUDGES, a TIMEKEEPER/SCOREKEEPER. The judges call points and rule infractions as they see them. They also vote on disqualifications. The referee also calls points and rules infractions but is also in compete control of the ring and ring personnel. Referees make all final decisions on penalty points and warnings (except for disqualifications) but can consult judges before making their decisions. The majority vote of the judges and referee determines a scoring point and/or a competitor’s disqualification.
CALLS AN OFFICIAL MAY MAKE: When the referee believes there has been a significant exchange of techniques, or when signaled to do so by a corner a judge/s, he/she shall call out the word, “STOP!” in a loud voice. The referee shall then returns the competitors to their starting marks and addresses the judges by saying “JUDGES CALL!” All judges and the center referee cast their votes simultaneously and assertively in the following manner.
1. Judge Sees a Point - He/she should hold up both colors or hold up one arm if colors are not being used. At the same time, he/she yells out the word “CALL!” in a loud, clear voice to let the referee know he/she has a call.
2. Point Calling - When signaled by the referee (referee says “Judges Call” in a loud clear voice) a judge raises the appropriate color (red or white usually) if colors are being used or points to the competitor who scores the point. If a competitor scores a two point kick, the officials should hold up or point with two fingers (index and middle fingers). If only one point is being called, the judge should point with only one finger (Index finger).
3. No Point Scored - An official crosses his/her wrist at waist level or holds both colors down to indicate that he/she believes that a point was not scored.
4. Did Not See If A Point Was Scored - The officials holds his/her hand over his/her eyes indicating that he/she could not see whether a point was scored or not. Indicates the official was not in position to see if a point scored. (When using this signal, it has the same effect as saying “no point”, but it indicates to the referee, competitors and fans the reason why you are not calling the point).
5. Clash - Officials make a motion as though they are hitting both fists together, indicating that both competitors scored at the same time.
6. Penalty - The judge waves the color of the offending competitor in a circular motion. If no colors are used the judge waves the hand and arm in a circular motion while pointing at the offending competitor.
7. Disqualification - A disqualification vote is taken separately from any other vote. When a disqualification vote is asked for, the referee will say, “JUDGES CALL”. The judges will then hold the color or point to the competitor who is to be disqualified. If the judge does not feel the competitor should be disqualified, he/she crosses his/her wrist or holds both colors down at waist level.
LATE CALLS: All officials should make their calls at the same time. If, in the opinion of the referee, the corner judges are making a late call intentionally, the referee can disqualify the call and/or judge (noise not allowing the judges to hear the referee and the honest mistake of raising the wrong color or pointing at the wrong competitor should be taken into consideration not to disqualify the call or judge).
NUMBER OF OFFICIALS: Two NASKA certified judges and one NASKA certified referee is allowed in all Black Belt weapon, form and sparring divisions. If the approved certified judges and referees are not available, four judges and one referee are required in all black belt form and weapon divisions. At least two judges and one referee are required in all sparring divisions and under black belt form and weapon divisions.
REMOVAL OF OFFICIALS: If a competitor feels that an official should be removed from a form or weapon division for good reason, he/she must file a protest before the division begins. If a competitor feels that an official should be removed form a sparring division, he/she may file a protest at any time. It is totally up to the center referee and the rules arbitrator to determine if an official should be removed.
PROTEST: A competitor has the right to protest an infraction of the rules or if a possible mistake was made (not a judgment call). If a competitor wishes to protest, he/she should first let the referee know he/she believes there has been an infraction of the rules or a mistake has been made. The referee will summon the arbitrator to the ring (if the referee cannot properly settle the protest to the players satisfaction) to render a decision. All protests must be made in an orderly, proper and sportsmanlike manner. All protests must be made immediately. Protests are not allowed once competition has resumed (after the fact protest). A competitor may be penalized or even disqualified if he/she is protesting improperly or without proper cause.
LATE ENTRIES: Once a division has started (the first competitor has started his/her form/weapon routine or the first divisional fight has started) no competitor/s can be added to that division. BE ON TIME!
THE RING: The size of the fighting and form adult black belt rings shall be approximately 20’ x 20’. Starting lines should be marked approximately six feet apart in the middle of the ring. Additionally, each ring should be posted with a ring number visible to competitors, officials, and medical personnel from across the floor. All youth and under black belt adult rings shall be a minimum of 16’ x 16’ approximately.
WEIGHING-IN: It is mandatory for all adult fighting competitors - who are in weighed divisions - to weigh in before competition. Only one official weigh-in is required. All competitors must fight in his/her weight division. A competitor cannot fight up or down in another weight division for which he/she has not made the proper weight. It is the responsibility of the tournament personnel to weigh and properly record the competitor’s weight. If a competitor is caught falsifying their weight, they may be disqualified.
ORDER OF COMPETITION: Form: Once the final call for the form and weapon divisions has been made at ring side and the divisional seeds have been taken out (if seeding is required) the competition cards will be collected and shuffled thoroughly. The competitor cards will then be drawn randomly for the order of competition. The first three competitors will perform before any scores are awarded. After the third competitor is finished, the first competitor will be called to come back for scoring followed by the second and third competitors. All competitors in the division will be judged in comparison to these first three competitors Sparring: Once the final call for the sparring division has been made at ring side and the seeds have been taken out (if seeding is required) the division is ready to be set up. The competition cards should be collected and counted (if competition cards are not used, count the competitors) to see if byes are needed. If byes are needed, they will be picked randomly (See bye chart to see how many byes are needed). Matches should always be selected by random, but certain allowances may be given to competitors from the same school or team that is matched up in the first round of competition. They may be separated randomly from each other in the first round if possible. (Competitors cannot pick whom they want or do not want to fight.)
In the youth division, the competitors should be lined up by height (Smallest to the tallest) and split into tall and short divisions if required or offered. Determining tall and short divisions is for safety reasons, not just to split the division equally. A true break in size should be found to determine the taller competitors from the shorter competitors. Once the tall and short divisions are determined by height, determine who fights whom by random draw. Consideration should be given to competitors who are from the same school or team that have been drawn to fight each other in the first round.
SEEDING: SIX seeds can be offered in form and weapons divisions. The four highest rated NASKA world competitors in world rated tournaments and the four highest rated NASKA national competitors at national rated tournaments who are present in the division will go last in the division in the reverse order of his/her rating. The 5th and 6th rated competitors are selected from the associated regional ratings organization (if being used). A maximum of 6 competitors can be seeded. If there is less than four rated world or national seeds present, regional seeds can be used to select 6 seeds. If any six rated competitors are not present, you need only seed the rated competitors who are present. The only exception to this rule is at the beginning of the year before current ratings have been established (first three world tournaments), you should, if additional world or national seeds are needed to reach four, use competitors who were rated in a lower age group and are now required to move into the older age group at the beginning of the new season (This exception does not apply when youth are moving into adult divisions). These seeds would be seeded after the current world or nationals seeds of that division. Sparring: Pick the four highest world/national rated competitors in the division to be your four seeds. The four seeds will be taken out and not bracketed until the ring gets down to the final four. The four seeds will then be bracketed with the final four in the following order: Place the number one seed in the first bracket, place the number two seed in the eighth bracket, place the number three seed in the sixth bracket and place the number four seed in the fourth bracket (#1 and #4 seeds are always in the top half of the bracket and #2 and #3 seeds are always in the bottom half of the bracket). If there are less than four seeds in a sparring division and by using byes the seeded competitors can move into the final eight brackets, additional seeds to make four are not needed. If additional seeds are needed, the additional seeds will be taken first; from world/national rated competitors who are moving into an older age division (Does not apply when youth are moving into adult divisions), second; from the associated regional ratings, third; the national ratings, and fourth; rated competitors who are moving into a heavier or lighter weight division. If additional seeds are still needed after using all of the above, a random draw is used to select the needed seeds.

LENGTH OF MATCH: Two minute running time unless five points are scored before time has expired. If a match is tied at the end of two minutes, sudden victory (first person to score a point) overtime period will determine the match.
POINT VALUES AND WINNER DETERMINATION: All legal hand techniques that score will be awarded one (1) point. All legal kicking techniques that score will be awarded two (2) points. All penalty points awarded will be awarded one (1) point. “New” for 2008: The competitor who earns seven (7) points by the end of the two minutes or whoever is ahead at the end of the two minutes is declared the winner. All semi final black belt matches (final four) will use a seven (7)-point spread to determining the winner or whoever is ahead at the end of two minutes. All grand championship matches are two-minute running time 10 point spread or who is ahead at the end of two minutes.
MARJORITY VOTE: Points are awarded by a majority vote of all judges. The majority of judges do not have to agree on the same technique being scored, only that a point was scored. A majority of the judges calling the point must call a two (2)-point kick before two points can be awarded. Otherwise only one point is awarded.
WHAT IS A POINT: A point is a controlled legal sport karate technique scored by a competitor in-bounds and up-right (not considered down) without time being called that strikes a competitor with the allowable amount of focused touch contact to a legal target area.
LEGAL TARGET AREAS: Entire head and face, ribs, chest, abdomen, collarbone and kidneys. ILLEGAL TARGET AREAS: Spine, back of neck, throat, sides of the neck, groin, legs, knees and back. NON-TARGET AREAS: Hips, shoulders, buttocks, arms, and feet. LEGAL TECHNIQUES: Legal techniques are all controlled sport karate techniques, except those listed as illegal. ILLEGAL TECNIQUES: Head butts, hair pulls, bites, scratches, elbows, knees, eye attacks of any kind, take downs on a hard surface floor, ground fighting on a hard surface, any stomps or kicks to the head of a downed competitor, slapping, grabbing for more than one second, uncontrolled blind techniques, any uncontrolled throws, takedowns or sweeps and any other uncontrolled dangerous techniques that are deemed unsafe in sport karate.
GRABBING: A competitor may grab the uniform top of his/her opponent in an attempt to score with a sport karate technique for only one second (immediately), after which time he/she must release the uniform. Likewise, the uniform pants may be grabbed for one second to an upright opponent in an attempt to score.
SWEEPS, TAKEDOWNS, GRABS AND GROUND FIGHTING: Sweeps not to take down an opponent, but only to obstruct the balance so as to follow up with a sport karate technique can only be executed to the back of the front leg at mid-calf or below. A sweep must be deemed a proper sweep and not a kick, to be legal. Controlled Takedowns and sweeps that are meant to take down an opponent are allowed only a declared apporved padded surface. A point is awarded only when the legal sweep or takedown is followed up effectively legally and immediately with an appropriate sport karate technique. Only a hand technique or a carefully controlled kick or stomp to the body is allowed on a downed competitor. One Foot must be on the ground throughout the stomp or kick. Never, under any circumstances, may a competitor stomp or kick to the head of a downed competitor.
LIGHT TOUCH CONTACT: Means there is no penetration or visible movement of the competitor as a result of the contact. Light touch is required to all legal target areas in all black belt sparring divisions. The face shield of a head gear is a legal target area.
MODERATE TOUCH CONTACT: Means slight penetration or slight target movement. Moderate touch contact may be made to all legal target areas except the headgear, face shield and face.
WARNINGS AND PENALTIES: One and only one warning is allowed for breaking the rules before a penalty point is awarded. After the first warning is given, a penalty point is awarded for each and every rules violation. If a competitor receives four warnings (three penalty points) in any one match, he/she will be disqualified. If the severity of the first rules violation is deemed by the referee to be too severe, a penalty point can be issued immediately.
Other Penalty Rules: A competitor cannot be penalized and still receive a point on the same call. A competitor can receive a point for a proper technique and another point from a penalty
call against his/her competitor (two points awarded). If, in the opinion of the referee and/or the medical personnel, a competitor cannot continue because of an injury caused by an illegal penalized attack executed by his/her competitor, the offending competitor shall be automatically disqualified.
Other Cause for Penalization: Attacking illegal and non-target areas, using illegal techniques, running out of the ring to avoid fighting, falling to the floor to avoid fighting, continuing after being ordered to stop, excessive stalling, blind, negligent or reckless attacks, uncontrolled techniques, showing unsportsmanlike behavior by the competitor, his/her coaches, friends, etc., excessive contact, and delay of time are examples of possible penalization.
DISQUALIFICATION: Requires a majority vote by all officials, unless it is an automatic disqualification. Non-Competing Penalty: If, in the majority opinion of the officials, it is considered that the competitors are not making an obvious attempt to fight in the true spirit of competition, both competitors will be warned and if it continues, will be disqualified. Wrong Division: If any competitor competes in a division he/she does not qualify to compete in due to age, weight, rank, gender, style, etc., he/she will be disqualified.
COACHING: The luxury of having a coach is something that most competitors do not have access to. Therefore, it sometimes can become an unfair advantage over a competitor who does not have a coach. The rules are made and enforced so no one competitor has an advantage or disadvantage over another competitor. Therefore, coaching is allowed but only under the following guidelines:
1. Never, at any time, can a coach enter the ring without the referee’s permission, 2. No abusive, violent, unsportsmanlike or overzealous coaching; 3. Coaches cannot ask for a time out (only the competitor may ask for a time out), 4. Coaches can never, at any time, interfere with the proper running of the ring or the decisions of the judges. A Coach is defined as anyone who is trying to help one competitor in anyway. A coach could be but is not limited to a friend, parent, team mate or official coach. The center referee can issue a warning to a competitor for each time his/her coach is interfering with a match or disrupting fair play between contestants. A referee can ask for a disqualification of a contest, but requires a majority vote of all judges.
OUT-OF-BOUNDS: A competitor is out-of-bounds as soon as he/she does not have at least one foot touching inside or on the boundary line. An out of bounds competitor cannot score a point while out of bounds. In bounds competitor can score on an out of bounds competitor if the center referee has not called stop.

TIME LIMIT: Each form or weapons routine must be three (3) minutes or less. The time starts once the competitor enters the competition ring. Four (4) minutes is allowed for each form or weapons routine in the Night Time Finals. Each team form and/or demo routine must be four (4) minutes or less. Any competitor, team form or team demo that goes over the allowed time limit is automatically disqualified.
SCORING RANGES OF FORM AND WEAPONS: The scoring range will be 9.50 to 10.00 points. This is not to say that the level of proficiency of a 9.75 white belt form score is the same as a 9.75 black belt form score. We are grading white belts against white belts and black belt against black belts, etc. One scoring range simplifies form and weapon scoring. In the nighttime finals the range for scoring grand champions form and weapons rounds is 9.90 to 10.00. The Scoring range should be narrowed in divisions that have small amount of competitors. (Suggestion: Count the competitors in the division and multiply that by .02 and then subtract that number form 10.00 (10 competitors equal .20-10.00 = 9.80). Therefore the range for 10 competitors would be 9.80 to 10.00, with 9.90 as your average score.
TIES: If there is a tie for 1st Thru 4th place, the majority of the judge’s scores determine the winner. If with the scores that were given, there is still not a majority of judges for one competitor, they must be ask on the center referee command to points to the competitor who they fill should win. All judges must make a decision for only one competitor. Ties for 5th through 8th place are never broken. They will remain tied and all will receive points and awards.
TRADITIONAL, CREATIVE, MUSICAL AND EXTREME DIVISIONS: Competitors in these divisions must exhibit a form or weapon routine that reflects the essence and values of the division name in which they are competing. Otherwise, the competitor risks disqualification or down grading. Traditional forms and weapons must capture the essence of classic martial arts movements, showcasing the traditional techniques and stances. Creative form and weapons allows contemporary martial arts techniques that have evolved over the last 30 years. No extreme gymnastic-type movements are allowed in the creative form and weapons divisions. Musical forms and weapons require choreography of moves to the music. Extreme forms and weapons allow movements whether they originated form traditional or contemporary martial arts systems or otherwise. However at least half of the form must originate form martial arts techniques and the competitor must execute at least one technique that involves an inverted move or greater than 360 degree spin. See www.NASKA.com for a full definition of all NASKA’s form and weapon categories. Full definition of forms and weapons is listed on the Form and Weapons Criteria sheet.
WEAPON DIVISIONS: Safety Rule: A competitor who unintentionally drops his/her weapon will be automatically disqualified. If a competitor recklessly or carelessly misuses his/her weapon, he/she may be penalized or disqualified. If a competitor’s weapon breaks or comes apart during his/her routine, he/she will be disqualified.
STARTING A FORM OVER: If a competitor starts his/her form over because of a memory lapse or any other reason due to his/her own negligence, he/she may perform the form again. The officials will score as though there was not a mistake, but the center referee will instruct the scorekeeper to subtract .50 points from the competitor’s final score. The three-minute time limit will start over. A competitor can only start over one time for scoring. If a competitor has to start over not due to his/her negligence, he/she will not be penalized on the start over.

THANK YOU, NASKA (North American Sport Karate Association) P.O. Box 581188, Minneapolis, MN 55458-1188 (NASKA_LC@msn.com)

2008 - 2009 N.C.K.A. Tournament dates

2008 - 2009 N.C.K.A. Tournament dates

Sept 14, 2008
Twin Cities Open

Feb. 15, 2009
Minnesota State

Oct. 10-11, 2008
Diamond Nationals

Mar. 15, 2009
Eau Claire Open

Nov. 16, 2008
Central States Open

April 2008
NCKA Finals

Master Griffin’s Black Belt Blog Bundles BLACK BELT LEADERS

Master Griffin’s Black Belt Blog Bundles

Black belt leaders were 1st white belt students

Black belt masters teach the most timid beginners to become future powerful black belt leaders

To be of service to others, the master black belt must first master his or her own thoughts, actions and emotions.

You have to be able to hear thru the static when opportunity rings.

Black belt leaders create opptunities for beginners to shine.

Black belt leaders see things twice…
…once in the mind and then upon completition.

Black belt leaders are quick problem solvers that use creativity not blame on others.

MPLS, MN 55407