Monday, January 21, 2008

9th Grader in tae kwon do Q: What's the difference between Kickboxing and Kung-fu?

9th Grader in tae kwon do Q: What's the difference between Kickboxing and Kung-fu?
master g responds A: The arts of kung-fu are vary old, vast and complex kung-fu has a form of kickboxing called San-shou so in this way it is one in the same.

Most kung-fu systems are different in these ways: competition--> some do not have competiton to test skills,
some are way to dangerous because of the pressure points and arm/leg locks and breaks. Other differences are the amount of training you do before a competion/test in Thailand they start fighting right away and entering the ring at a young age. Some Gung-Fu / Kung-Fuis very complex and uses weapons and multiple attackers in the training. Others use breathing and meditation in their training.
While others use kickboxing as a small part of their training.
Chinese kickboxing competition ( )

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