Sunday, January 20, 2008

KMANBOB Q: What is the difference between Tae Kwon Do and Karate? are they the same?

KMANBOB Q: What is the difference between Tae Kwon Do and Karate? are they the same?
wow two great complex questions with very simple answers
A: master griffin's response. Since i received my Black Belt in Tae KwonDo from the school called the Karate Center, i feel i can answer this right, the art of taekwondo has it roots in Shoto-kan karate since the Founder of Taekwondo Grand Master Byung Jik Ro( Master Griffin's Taekwondo instructor was his son, Master Hee Sang Ro ) studied from Gichin Funakoshi - Founder of Shotokan Karate while they are very different now they were very similar in the 1940-50's with the addition of advanced kicking.

Most martial artists would say that tkd is about 70% kicks and 30% hand strikes
with most karate systems being 50%/50% kicks/punches

at griffin martial arts we use about 60% kicks, 30% hand-pressure points and 10% weapons and defense against

myspace handwrapping video click here with master griffin

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