Thursday, January 17, 2008

When was Mai Thi created? big D from Cristo Rey High School

Q: When was Mai Thi created? Great question
Master griffin responds

A: Muay Thai was probobly developed in the 1570's

a little history
Click here for kickboxing history

The history of Muay Thai is interwoven with the history of the Thai people. A gentle, peace-loving people, for centuries Thais had to defend themselves and their land from aggressive powers. They developed a form of close, hand-to-hand combat best suited for the kind of rough-terrain battle they were fighting. Over time it became a rite of passage for Thai men to take up training in this martial art. King Naresuan the Great (1555-1605), one of the country's most celebrated warrior-heroes, is believed to have been an excellent boxer himself, and it was he who made Muay Thai a required part of military training.

Q: What is the deadliest martial art fighting style?
A: First of all the point of all mafs--> Martial arts fighting styles is to protect people and if necessary kill people, that being said tai-chi is a fighting style that people see old folks in the

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